Keen eyed SWORD fan Rob Godwin has spotted that the beautiful 1960's JR21 X60 Rocket from the launcher set is the same as the Nuclear Ferry in the Project Sword SOLO comic strip. Have a look!
The bottom yellow/ blue X60 toy rocket launcher photograph is from the truly wonderful american Mark Bergin Toys site:
and the top X60 toy rocket launcher in mint shop- stock quality is from the equally fantastic UK Metropolis Toys:
For fun I have added in pictures of the iconic Century 21 PROJECT SWORD Nuclear Ferry ( coutesy of WOTAN and friends) and the card art for the 1960's Tri-ang SPACEX Nuclear Ferry ( anybody got a pic of the toy itself?)
You see here clearly too the difference in the logos of Century 21 Toys and JR21 Toys, albeit essentially the same company.
Time for bed!
Was there another jetmobole toy other than the goldengate one,Ive been told there was but Icant remember one.many thanks Steve.
ReplyDeleteHi Steve, the other toy Jetmobile was made by Graham Bros., trading as Fairylite toys. Steve Zodiac and Venus jetmobiles were made in separate boxes. There are also various Jetmobile knockoffs with spacemen and even Mickey Mouse!