WOTAN and I have been chewing the fat about a toy he saw in toy shop window back in the 60's. Next to a Probe Force ship was a submarine streamlined like the SWORD liner in the annual. Googling the night away I've come across a great oldish article about Captain Scarlet kits by Darkstar2. There's a cool old kit in there, Paramount's Atomic Powered Carrier. (no. 1260).
Although not the toy WOTAN saw as a wee boy, it is intersting. The site says 'Paramount Industries produced a final kit based on Spectrum craft, their No. 1260 ATOMIC POWERED CARRIER. Box artwork shows the ship launching two Angel Interceptors from one of its three decks, as it churned through ocean waves. Though obviously a gigantic craft, its kit form measured only 5 inches. To the hull was attached an elastic band powered water screw and variable-position rudder. Though it was finely detailed, its accuracy is unknown as I have never seen this craft anywhere other than in its box painting' ( darkstar2).
To see the full article check out:
I've even found a forum discussion that's discussed the very same kit!
So just what did WOTAN see in that toy shop window?
Goodnight all.
To further the mystery, or just show im barking up the wrong tree - Ive found an excellent illustration on TV21 artist Graham Bleathmans site:http://www.grahambleathman.co.uk/salecrosssections.htm
ReplyDeleteTheres some other cool pics there too!
Fascinating, I love the mystery about this, and the look of it really fits the Century 21 universe. I wonder, as it is so obscure, who owns the rights to this design? I'd love to build a 3d model of it and put it in my new game as an easter egg! But would I get sued?
ReplyDeleteThere are 2 atomic carriers: the model kit pictured is the kit by Paramount/ Imai. The other is the Atomic Submarine Aircraft Carrier by JR21 toys. The Paramount model is of a Captain Scarlet vehicle. The JR21 toy is from Stingray. Both properties are owned by Anderson Entertainment I think ie Gerry Anderson's son Jamie.