from Looey
Oz Base
We all know what FAB1 is. We grew up with the pink Rolls.
But Lady Penelope's other FABS are less well-known, certainly to me.
Liking a good boat, I've blogged about FAB2 before, Lady Penelope's luxury yacht. Check the post labels for it.
There was another FAB2, which is news to me; the modern movie version, a movie I've not seen but I recall was disliked by Thunderbirds fans.
Here's its FAB2, a large pink whatchmacallit! Have you seen it before?
according to sources on the net, was the Lady's Heli-Jet at her Australian Bonga Bonga Ranch. I don't know who piloted it, I assume Parker too.
I don't think it featured anywhere except on paper, including Graham Bleathman's cut-away, which you may have in your collection.
FAB3 was also the name of the Lady's racehorse in the strip 'Safe Bet', Redan Thunderbirds comic 58, October 2004. You can see it on the cover below.
FAB4 features in fan fiction as seen here: