We're having a big sort-out at Moonbase.
All our grown-up daughter's toys have come out of the attic for a toy fair she wants to stand at this Spring to make a few quid.
As expected we have been engaged as sorters and cleaners and no doubt couriers too!
Its all mostly from the 1980's and 90's with some vintage stuff as well. We went to car boots back then too!
We have bagged McDonalds toys.
Doll's furniture and a troll.
Vintage boxed Sindy furniture. Daughter played with them and put them back in the boxes. We trained her well!
Lots of loose Sindy furniture and Cabbage Patch Kids.
Odds n sods. Action Force SAS, family Ted, She Ra or Princess of Power?
Littlest Pet Shop and Princess Magic Touch Garden Swing.
Plastic doll's furniture.
Cherry Merry Muffin boxes.
Doll's clothes for washing.
One of several boxes of mixed goodies.
Cleaning station for plastic.
There's so much more to sort out too. Phew!
We will be sad to see it go after 37 years storage though.
Have you stuff in the attic?