I am going through a second major Tolkien phase at the mo. The first was in my teens in the Seventies and the passion has never left me.
Forty years ago when I was a teenager the only real way to experience the Tolkien was to read his books. There were a few records and radio recordings and a few collectables too. Later there were three animated films. Back then I was so smitten with it all my mates even nicknamed me Gandalf!
Now there's live action Jackson films galore and a whole shire full of precious merchandise. It seems odd to collect Tolkien at all, seeing as his books were largely about the perils of possession. But he did too good a job and the lure of the ring is too great to resist!
Tolkien collectables warrant a blog in their own right - there probably are orcs of them online. I'll stick to what I know and add a little elven spice to Project SWORD and co this year as I rediscover Middle Earth for the second time.
So, for my return I shall call myself - Gandalf the Silver [Surfer]! ha ha!
Anyone else like Tolkien readers?