More shivers from the haunted BBC back in 1972.
Perfect for Christmas!
More shivers from the haunted BBC back in 1972.
Perfect for Christmas!
Boxing Day, yes, its the day after Christmas and what have you done?
How is your Christmas going readers?
Talking of boxes, Its always fun to see what professional repro box makers have on offer. Here's a prolific firm, RETRO TOY REVIVALS, with a wide offer including these rare boxes and backings. There's even some Dr. Who!
I've never used this firm. Have you?
Have you bought a repro box or item readers?
Anyways, Happy Boxing Day Readers!
Let us know what you're up to!
Old fashioned goosebumps for Boxing Day.
From the Beeb in 1972.
How's it going at your end this Christmas readers?
Those were the days! Did you have a Major Matt Christmas readers back in the late Sixties?
I never asked for this Christmas 1968 but I wanted to after seeing my nephew's. I reckon if I had my Mum would have tried to get it back in the late Sixties. I'm not even sure if it was available outside of America. My Dad's brother's son had one but he had connections in the States, the swine!
Did you have a Strange Change on Christmas Day readers?