How's it going at your end this Christmas readers?
How's it going at your end this Christmas readers?
Those were the days! Did you have a Major Matt Christmas readers back in the late Sixties?
I never asked for this Christmas 1968 but I wanted to after seeing my nephew's. I reckon if I had my Mum would have tried to get it back in the late Sixties. I'm not even sure if it was available outside of America. My Dad's brother's son had one but he had connections in the States, the swine!
Did you have a Strange Change on Christmas Day readers?
Although I'm not particularly religious, like many this time of year, churches always figure in my thoughts.
One or two churches do, of course figure in a couple of Gerry & Sylvia Anderson's TV series, along with classic Doctor Who serials.
Here's some photos I've taken of them during my location travels.
The church below, The Church of St Mary The Virgin at Church Hill, Harefield doubled as St David's in the Joe 90 Christmas episode episode, The Unorthodox Shepherd. The episode was also the inspiration for The Secret Service series.
The same church can also be seen at the end of the UFO episode, The Square Triangle, where Liz Newton attends Jack Newton's grave.