The Hot Wheels Mainline is broken down in to a number of small sub-sets, usually of five or ten models. Some of these appear every year, some only occasionally. One of the latter is the Space series.
This includes a mix of real space, science fiction, and regular HW models in space-themed markings. Some models appear in more than one colour scheme, but retain their original model number.
The 2021 range of 250 models includes five Space models, two in alternative colours, making seven models in all, one of which is a Treasure Hunt.
Here is the Hot Wheels Wiki page for the series.
The cards carry two numbers. The one at the top of the card is the number within the range for that year. The second number, half way down the card, is the number within the sub-series.
Hot Wheels 2021 Space series
095/250 1/5 Mars Perseverance Rover
150/250 2/5 Airuption in green or black
173/250 3/5 Bot Wheels in gold or white
198/250 4/5 70s Van from the film Space Jam - A New Legacy
199/250 5/5 Ollie Rocket - Treasure Hunt
Airuption was released as part of the 2018 Hot Wheels range, although the underside has the copyright date 2017. It looks like a Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk on wheels, but with folding plastic wings.
Both the black upper body, and the orange lower body are metal. The wings are linked together, and open out. Fully extended these do not really resemble the wings on the real F-117. Made in Malaysia.
The colour schemes are green and turquoise, with black wings; or black and orange, with silver-grey wings. The markings are the same, but in different colours. These read BLACK HOLE PATROL.
I assume these count as a hazard to space navigation, and therefore need to be patrolled?
Paul Adams from New Zealand