It was a great week for fantastic plastic last week.
My Lanard Corps! collection trebled in size and a fab new GI Joe enlisted.
Two things happened to bring me sunshine.
A car boot sale generated three old Lanards.
Much more significant, fellow blogger and friend Wotan swapped me a load of Lanards, old and new, for some old space books he collects. A fine trade I must say!
The old Lanards were given a bath before the official parade.
Those Star Force fellows weren't keen on getting washed at all! In space no-one can hear you clean!
But here they are on parade along with my new old Corps!, the best of which is the grey Star Force Invader at the far right, along with his wings unit.
However, Wotan also supplied me with an amazing GI Joe, my first complete figure, the gorgeous and purple Technoviper, front left on his own Hasbro stand. How cool is that!
Two more recent Corps! have joined the ranks too on account of their great looks: a car boot lady Puma on the far left next to my beloved Baroness and the Sea Squad's blue Carlos Gills Perez complete with his flippers and rifle donated by the Wotan.
A whole brigade of Wotan's newish Lanard Corps! have yet to be hosed down before going public as they were billeted in his garage until recently. I'm going to need a bigger bucket!
One final note, I now reckon that finding old Lanard Corps! figures is easier than finding old Hasbro GI Joe figures round here in Yorkshire. I say this because I have found 7 old Corps! myself in antigue shops and car boot sales in the last two weeks. Any Joes I have I got on Ebay. It seems that the Corps! will be easier to collect.
Eagle-eyed readers may have clocked some old Kenner Star Wars figs in the top picture next to the toast rack. More on these bad boys to come.