This is a Japanese model from the late 1970s, I think from an anime program called Time Bokan, and it’s some sort of flying machine. I decided to make it as “flying saucerie” as possible, thus the metallic shades.
Rob C
As expected my lost Joe's weren't there this week. Like a drunken wasp returning to fruit I stood at the same spot I stood at last week but no Joe's. In fact no seller or certainly not the same.
I scudded round the sale two times in 35 degree heat and no GI joy. Certainly not the ten. Thinking back I wonder if they were Lanard Corps! They were very colourful. Ah well. I always forget my golden rule. Buy first time. Don't wait.
So how did I do today? Not very well I'm afraid. 500 stalls and I came home with just two paltry action figures.
Any GI Joe? We'll sort of. A single Lanard Corps figure from 1984 called Shark. I looked it up. So not actually Hasbro. How is Lanard viewed by GI Joe collectors? Canon?
The other figure was another 1984 shorty, a Princess Leia. She'll be cleaned up and presented to Junior with his other old Star Wars figs for his sith birthday next Month.
Two figures. Two pounds.
I did walk past a naked Action Man from the Sixties for a fiver. He had real hair. More vintage Star Wars figures at a fiver each couldn't stop me hunting for Joe's. I was unstoppable. I was like the Juggernaut!
So, I still have some GI Blues.
Still. The Baroness will soon be here to cheer me up!
The Missus and I have just finished box-watching La Brea.
Its a US drama about sink holes.
We fell into it the other night!
The strong attractor for me were the tar pits. I'm a sucker for a bubbling slick.
With pleasant thoughts of Tommy Lee Jones' Volcano flowing through my brain we sat down to watch.
La Brea isn't really about tar pits or sink holes for that matter. Its about human relationships. Ten episodes of human relationships.
I had thought about pulling out half-way through but the Missus said we'd invested five hours already so we might as well sink further into the cheese.
The prehistoric animals are good when they appear. Like the cover of that How and Why book coming alive!
Its true what they say, never smile at a smilodon.
If you're just embarking on building the Aurora tar pit scene then maybe have La Brea on in the background. Even if you mentally switch off whilst gluing, it's OK, they'll still be talking about the same things when you tune back in!
Let me know if you're a fellow sinker and watched it. Have you visited the real La Brea tar pits?
Forget the Tory re-election, my new cabinet reshuffle could be more interesting!
As most of my older stuff is still in loft storage my cabinet now houses a few select bits from recent toy hunts.
Top - vintage Star Wars, middle - vintage and modern Transformers [and one old small Thundercats], third down - two lonely GI Joes, bottom - waiting for something good.
More cabinet re-shuffles to come from Kevin.
What's on your shelves readers?
As a practice for finding my lost GI Joes again tomorrow I have been seeking out strays on Ebay.
With a limited budget I set about locating a few cheap GI J's.
For some reason this summer I have got the bug. I do admit it's a different bug every summer but that's just me. Car boot fever takes me over and I go for something old more or less available. Last year it was Superfast and Hot Wheels, which was huge fun and still is.
Anyways, back to GI Joe.
My successful seek and capture Ebay missions since last Wednesday currently stand at 2. Two wins. Two Joes. A few extras with them like Batman I'll give to Junior. I've spent less than a tenner, which is even better.
Those are Lightfoot and my lost Baroness, who are en-route to Moonbase as I type.
I say lost because I sold one in 2021, before I really knew her. I'm pleased to say she's coming home.
I'm still a novice when it comes to GI Joes. I have a trusty action figure field guide, which I've used for all my figure collecting since 2000, when I got it at Memorabilia. It pictures every loose Joe up to 1996 I think. And boy are there a lot. Along with Star Wars and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles its the biggest chapter of the guide!
Still, its all new to me: the various incarnations of the figures stretching back to the early 80's, the UK Action Force connection, the Corps spin-offs by Lanard and Chap Mei. Great fun!
As always I've no idea how long my new flame will last but until then, Yo Joe!
Wednesday could be a big GI day!
Do you collect GI Joe?
If you like Thunderbirds toy guns then have a look at this gallery.
The Japanese rifles section is amazing! So many Zero-X's!
Have you got any Thunderbirds toy guns?
Childminding the Grandkids today. Turns out I didn't need to make Junior a lightsaber yesterday. He's got his own fine example from 2015 here on his Playmobil launchpad.