Me and the Missus are currently caring for an elderly relative in his nineties.
The older you get the more you seem to live in the past. I think it's happening to me too.
Songs from my childhood keep whispering in my lug 'ole. Some complete and some mere shadows of what they must have been.
Being a sprinkler of sand in kids' eyes to get them off to sleep, the sandman I saw reminded me of a bedtime lullaby my Mum used to sing to me sixty years ago. I can recall the wistful melody but only the first two lines.
'Go to sleep my baby. Close your pretty eyes.'
Anyone recognise it?
Another song I recall is whole and intact. A bit rank and very childish, do you remember:
'Yellow belly custard, green snot pie, all mixed up in a dead dog's eye. Slap it on a butty nice and thick. Wash it down with a cold cup of sick!'
Do you recall any childhood tunes?