Here's some modern words which are either meaningless, elusive or just plain annoying. Again, no googling or dictionaries involved.
Pack: anything put together in a folder or a plastic wallet becomes a pack. The 80's were chock full with packs and they're still around. Almost without meaning.
Resource: anything that can be placed in a pack. Maps, cuttings, instructions, tickets, anything. Resource pack was my middle name in the 80's and now its plain annoying.
Manspreading: an unpleasant name for men standing with their legs apart. I don't manspread and don't use the word.
Double down: a Trumpism which has gone viral. It means to focus on something so why not just say that?
Yaw: a technical word, which I do like the sound of. I think it means to twist. Used in aeronautical circles.
Tare: possibly means volume. Often seen on lorries on motorways.
App: I still think an app is simply a program with a shortcut.
Life-hack: isn't this just a practical tip like the ones Grandparents told you?
Search it up: why up? Why not just search for something online, why search it up?
More to come.