The amorphous thing hung in the air above the house waiting. I placed a light in the window and prayed it would return to the world beyond.
I felt sure it was waiting for me.
The amorphous thing hung in the air above the house waiting. I placed a light in the window and prayed it would return to the world beyond.
I felt sure it was waiting for me.
Its Halloween. Its a Quiz. Its a Halloween Quiz! Go for it! Answer TWO each. Share the grue. OK.
1. Where is the film Halloween set?
2. Which true criminal inspired the film Texas Chainsaw Massacre?
3.Which classic horror actor speaks in Michael Jackson's Thriller?
4. In the world of toys what is the Mod Monster?
5. Who is the Kessler boy in horror?
6. Which monster was called Ymir?
7. Who is Star in the Lost Boys?
8. What falls over Harrington's car at the start of Night of the Demon?
9. What was the name of the retreat for werewolves in The Howling?
10. Who is Laurence Talbot in horror?
11. What was the name of the hotel in the Shining?
12. Which actor played the Lord of Summer Isle in The Wicker Man?
13. What is the name of the song constantly sung in the Denzel Washington flick Fallen?
14. Which actor played the old horror TV host in Fright Night?
15. Which Hitchcock film was inspired by the crimes of Ed Gein?
16. What is the premise of the film the Stepford Wives?
17. Which insect species is at the heart of Phase IV?
18. Nosferatu was played by which 2 German actors?
19. In Creepy/ Eerie comics by Warren Publishing often appeared 'Loathsome .....' what?
20. What was the name of the Doctor/ Clinic in the Cronenberg flick Rabid?
Regarding the old Fundimensions monster kit dioramas, with giant insects and the like, later reissued by AMT/Ertl, and Airfix, here are a few short films from You Tube.
This one covers various kits, including a couple of the AMT/Ertl ones.
Next up, the MPC 1:25 scale Jeep kit with cardboard cut-outs of Godzilla and power pylons.
There are also some videos devoted to a ruined city scene. This seems to be about 1:144 or 1:150 scale, and intended for use with Japanese giant robot kits. At least some of the parts seem to be N Gauge model railway items. This would also be ideal for use with various SF monsters, as the buildings come in a partly destroyed state. The model cars that come with the kit all seem to be fairly modern, for a proper 1950s B Movie look, you really should use 1950s or 1960s era model vehicles. Still fun though.
All very interesting, although I should think pretty expensive.
Happy Halloween,
Paul Adams from New Zealand