Original Nuclear Ferry Art by Bob McCall
Original Nuclear Ferry Art by Bob McCall
Just look at this collection of beautiful paintings by the late great American space artist Bob McCall.
Among the many pearls it also contains the original box art basis for the Project SWORD Nuclear Ferry, a magnificent toy, which only a very few people have the pleasure of owning.
I hasten to add that I'm not one of them, though I did borrow one once and took a snap of it in my collection.
Sometimes things just come together and this year Arto was able to pair a SpaceX Moon Base set set with his lovely original SpaceX shop sign. How cool is that! Thanks Arto!
We've had this toy gun rattling round the blog for years, the ECHO gun used in Gerry Anderson's UFO TV series.
Its a bloggiversary legend!
Click the labels below for more.
I just love the wood-effect formica-style grip! They left it on for UFO too! I think they may have had a different barrel tip or maybe just painted it silver.