Found my Cliff Richard bus. Interesting in that it's made by Oxford under contract to Richmond Toys when a better Regent 3 was made by EFE Toys (Executive First Editions).
My old Mum used to send tons of Christmas cards out in the Sixties and Seventies. All glittery things depicting baubles and stagecoaches. It took her ages to get them all written, stamped and sent. Anyone living close by got theirs personally delivered, a Xmas tradition that maybe vanishing, especially now we have this darn virus around.
I loved those old cards my Mum sent out and still do, so much so, I got a load of unused ones years ago and still send them out myself, keeping the old style alive a bit I hope.
But, over the years I've started sending fewer cards at Christmas. This is largely for environmental reasons and reducing paper and all that. I do enjoy writing Xmas cards though so my siblings and closest nephews get one. Its just so easy to send an electronic card by email nowadays so I do use this facility a lot more now.
Do you send Christmas cards readers? Will the Pandemic affect it?