Hello Woodsy,
I came across some old negatives from my art college days.
The given project was a magazine spread about a current news event. As the moon landing was planned for later in the year, 1969, I chose a NASA back story. I have no idea where a sample of the finished piece ended up but these are the illustrations for the spread.
I do not remember the brand of the kit, it was I believe an astronaut floating on the end of an air line from part of a spacecraft. It may have been the Revell Gemini kit. I painted it silver and shot it on photo mechanical film to get a very sharp b/w contrast as in sunlight with no atmosphere.
This other photo is of some of my clay pipes. Shooting white clay is hard to light, so again I used photo mechanical film which is what printers used to copy b/w type layouts and transfer them to a litho plate. It was also used for x-rays. It has no grey tones.
I always had a fascination with pipes as Dan Dare smoked one! His were briar wood but the clays were a way of dating archaeology sites as they were taxed and the makers marks on the stem dated them.