We've been looking after Moonbase Grandson today. We visited Lister Park in Bradford. In the big house, Cartwright Hall, there are homages to David Hockney, local art legend and the glove puppet Sooty.
Bradford was the birthplace of Harry Corbett. He went on to invent Sooty, perhaps the most famous glove puppet ever.
Sooty was one of those brill kids TV shows I enjoyed as a nipper in the sixties. Harry had already been doing it for years. I think my fave gloved character was Sweep, the cheeky squeaky dog and Sooty's pal.
I hope to introduce Moonbase Junior to Sooty and Sweep at some point.
Harry's son Matthew took over the famous gloves. He also starred in Dr. Who's The Daemons, a series which Scoop blogged about a few years back.
I often wonder if it was Matthew who bought a Sooty off me on Ebay. The buyer was called I am The Real Sooty! It didn't go for much!
Do you like Sooty readers?
As a complete aside, in Cartwright Hall in Lister Park they also have this huge statue of Humanity Overcoming War.
War had a familiar look I thought ....
.... like an Engineer from Prometheus!
All I can think of now is sleeping now we're back home.
Childminding is so tiring!
Have a great evening readers.