Having a bit of lazy Sunday afternoon and thought I'd re-watch the cult 1979 Disney sci-fi flick, The Black Hole.
I remember watching it when it first came out at the cinema and thinking it's a bit like 20,000 leagues in Space, although I suppose as it has that metaphysical ending maybe I should have called it 2001 leagues in Space.
What ever I still find it an enjoyable film, and would love it if MPC re-released their huge USS Cygnus kit. I do, however have a couple of small items of Black Hole merchandise which I'm happy to own, thanks to our mega blog friend, Arto, who sent me this V.I. N. CENT bottle opener and Maximillian key ring as my Christmas present one year.
So time to settle down and join the crew of the USS Palomino as it approaches The Black Hole....