I was mesmerised by this You Tube test footage by Willis O'Brien of his unfinished 1931 stop-motion film 'Creation'.
Featuring somewhat unpleasant dinosaur hunting, I assume that Willis would have made sure the hunter got his comeuppance had he finished!
I hadn't seen this clip before and You Tube has a whole raft of O'Brian related stuff including material on the lost spider pit sequence of King Kong and clips from my beloved Mighty Joe Young movie, where a young Ray Harryhausen gets stuck into the clay.
I first came across Willis O'Brian, the godfather of stop motion, in the pages of Famous Monsters of Filmland and I may still have the very copy from my youth. It featured his original King Kong and dinosaur frame and clay models, which I seem to recall going to Forry Ackerman himself as part of his Ackermansion collection.
I wonder where they are now?
A trip to the loft is required methinks!