I got loads of Matt Mason at Christmas in the Sixties.
My rubber friends were never far away.
But sadly I never got any Sea Devils.
Maybe they were harder to find in the shops? I dunno.
But you got a second wind with the Devils though. Some of their bits re-surfaced in Mattel's vast ocean of toys and its briny haul of clones.
OK. Remember the Aqualander? It was the Devil's amphibious jet car shown here on the left as seen on Ebay.
Well, a similar miniaturised version of it floated up in the SpaceLink line shown below, which Bill first introduced us too. SpaceLink was a sc-fi based wing of the bigger Capsela brand.
Next comes what I think is a clone of the figures themselves, although I'm unsure.
Recently seen on Ebay this bubble carded toy below, surrounded by real Devils, looks a lot like a Sea Devil and is branded as such but the makers mark - a sort of red and blue triangle in a white circle seen on the left of the card - is not Mattel. I've no idea what the make is. You?
Interestingly, the three small faces shown in these two pictures were described as pre-production pieces from Mattel itself! There are a number of pre-production Sea Devils on the net so they can exist.
We now come to the Devils' bellows.
These, a purple concertina of thin plastic, attached to a slender pipe to create bubbling in the bath [they shouldn't have bothered, we could all create them!]
Here's Chuck Carter with his bellows attached to his air tanks.
But the pumping doesn't stop there. Those purple bellows popped up with Mattel's Callisto too. In fact he may have had them first for blowing his string through his shoulder gun.
Scorpio got the pump next. He used it for blurting polystyrene balls from his chest canon
Who knows where the bellows went after that!
Big Jim?
Do you know of any more Sea Devilment? Did you have any of the range?