There are countless mouse balls and guinea pig spheres out there. You know what I mean, those plastic modules and treadmills for pet rodents. I saw some today in Pets At Home.
I've got to wondering if any of these spheres would be a perfect fit for the hollow plastic ball that's attached to the Major Matt Mason Space Bubble?
Of course the biggest problem would be finding a spare sphere that's joined along the centre so Matt's deck chair could be installed.
Another possible ersatz bubble might be the plastic orb that comes filled with loads of Ferraro Roche chocolates. I'm pretty sure it splits in half and I may even have one somewhere - minus the choccies of course!
Naturally all of this is only relevant if your Matt Mason Space Bubble has gone for a Burton and you're desperate for a cheap replacement that isn't original. I can see it now, the Major Matt Mason Space Pet Treadmill!
Can you think of any other household replacement parts for vintage toys readers? Serious, humorous, all good!