My friend, Film lecturer Derek McLean is holding more film talks in Southport, and this time its in the intimate settings of Bar 45, a retro pub specialising in playing vinyl records, and holding comedy nights and talks.
Definitely worth checking out if any of you are in the area at the time.
FILM TALKS 2017 at BAR 45
Here’s the blurb…
The Experiment in pub entertainment begins… After his successful run of FILM TALKS at the Atkinson Art Gallery, top rated screen lecturer Derek McLean will now present regular Tuesday night 8pm spots at Bar 45, Leicester Street, Southport. For Film Fans, would be Film-makers, writers and performers or Anybody with an open mind just looking for an alternative night out.
The first Film Talk in the series is at 8pm on Tuesday, February 21st 2017 Subtitled: “Introduction to Film Writing - Conflict on the Planet of the Humans”, will feature entertaining facts and informed insights on key scenes from the original Get Carter, Donny Darko, Bonnie & Clyde, West Side Story, All that Jazz and Goldfinger.
Thank you to all at Bar45, my old friends and new friends who have already given their moral support to help get me this far. Please continue to spread the word and help make this experiment work.
Find Bar 45, at 4 to 5 Tower Buildings, Leicester Street, Southport, PR9 0EZ. Off the North Fire Station End of Lord Street opposite Cathy Gardens Chinese Restaurant.