There are countless toy noises and movements I loved as a kid and still like to remember.
I adored the snug fit of the visor on Major Matt Mason's helmet, particularly when it closed. It was a tight fit over his head too. All in all it was great fun.
Action Man's field radio was a similar tactile triumph. First you had to open the little green case, then pull out the headphones jammed in there, then unravel the cables and place the phones on A Man's head. Joy! ( did it involve a morse code unit too?)
I also got a kick from pushing the small plastic coloured pegs into my Lite Brite. If it was a new paper picture beneath the screen then even better! I think the clown was my favourite image.
Another memory is the smell of heated elements inside battery operated motors like inside a robot or beneath a scalextric car. It was an intoxicating whiff of engine oil and iron. Pouring pink meths into a steam engine was a similar nasal peak. It had a chemical odour like unwanted dentistry.
Corgi Rockets provided further satisfaction with the gold key. Placing it in the plastic chassis was a fine feeling only bettered by the turn you made to release the wheels. Sublime!
A similar treasure was the extra force you had to apply to the snakehead handbreak on the old die-cast Chitty Chitty Bang Bang in order to spring the wings, which themselves made a marvellous click as they opened.
The list is as endless as childhood days. What do you remember readers?
PS. Name the song from which the posts' title is taken!