Some photos of a couple of models I have of theB9 Robot from
Lost in Space, the first being a
Trendmasters toy which I bought around
This is a really nice toy for the money, it’s well detailed,
has flashing lights and utters two phrases – “Danger Will Robinson” and “My
sensors indicate an intruder is present”.
As most LIS fans will know the B9, or just ‘ Robot ‘as it is
generally referred to in the series,
didn’t originally appear in the unaired
pilot, along with the sneaky Dr. Zachery Smith.
The B9 Robot was designed by Robert Kinoshita, whose credits
include Robby from the film, Forbidden
It was built by 20th Century Fox prop maker
Robert S Stuard, known professionally as Bob Stewart.
There were two props made. One was a static prop, used for towing around
the set, and the other was the ‘hero’ prop in which actor and stuntman, Bob May
would ‘wear’. As the prop was difficult to get in and out of, Bob would stay in
the ‘suit’ during breaks, even having an ash tray fitted inside.
There’s a story
that producer Irwin Allen saw smoke billowing out of the robot and thought it
was on fire, however it was just Bob having a ciggie break. So any smoke coming from the robot on screen
was down to Bob having a drag.
The distinctive voice of the robot was down to actor and
announcer, Dick Tufeld, who actually reprised the role for the 1998 feature
My second model is one of four classic Lost in Space die-casts released by
Johnny Lightning, to coincide with the release of the feature film.
Again, plenty of detail, with a movable upper body, this is
a nice little collectable.
Oh, and if anyone is interested the full title of the B9
Robot is Class M3 General Utility Non
Theorising Environmental Control Robot!