The alien fauna of the brilliant movie Prometheus has been bugging me.
I don't think there's any flora so I'll stick to the critters.
The alien fauna is as follows as far as I saw:
- Engineers
- Engineers Earth gloop
- Black vase gloop
- Writhing ground worms
- Hammerhead snake thing
- Xenomorphs
This is my take on how these guys connect together to form some kind of chain, a xeno-system perhaps:
The Engineers have fabricated a type of life-giving gloop, with which they bio-form a young Earth. This same fluid is stockpiled in huge vase vaults in planets scattered across the Universe.
Some fluid leaks out of these vases onto the ground over time giving rise to worms writhing in the stuff. These worms grow into Hammerhead snake aliens.
These hammerheads, on entering the human body, are one way in which a Human can be morphed into a Xenomorph alien.
Direct ingestion of the black vase gloop can also give rise to humanoid Xenomorphs, the apex of the chain.
This is just my own take on the unnatural history of Ridley Scott's Prometheus.
What do you think?