I recently saw a film called They Live. I'd never seen it before but knew of it so I was excited to see it.
Essentially They Live is about an alien occupation of America. The aliens are disguised as humans and living among us. No-one can see the aliens except for a few resistance fighters who wear special glasses, through which their faces appear like thinly muscled skulls. The blurb to the movie calls them ghouls but I can't verify this as I have no idea what a ghoul is meant to look like although I did appreciate the use of this underused horror trope. It was released in 1988.
One of the resistance is played by Roddy Piper the WWF wrestler and his character John Nada is the film's leading role.
When John wears his specs he sees a cityscape of subliminal commands to OBEY and a world full of skull beings. Unfortunately for him they know he can see them!
Very much of the ilk of Invasion of the Body Snatchers and Futureworld, John Carpenter gave us a neat new slant on the sub-genre, creating a kind of socio-economic critique of Eighties America. In this sense it reminded me of Romero's Dawn of the Dead without the grue.
The version of They Live I saw was on You Tube and a Monster Vision showing. Monster Vision must have been an Eighties US cable TV station ( anyone remember it? ) as it had its own host who popped up every now and then to crack jokes. He even interviewed Roddy Piper, which was fun. Roddy had the most perfect set of top teeth I've ever seen! Sadly Roddy died in 2015 aged just 61.
Consulting my well-thumbed guide to loose action figures I noted that Roddy came as a plastic figure back in the day and sported a red tartan kilt. He was part of that initial muscled flush of famous WWF wrestlers who were made into toys during the Eighties wrestling craze headed up by Hulk Hogan. Sadly this passed me by completely but I often saw whole heaps of these figures wrestling in boxes at car boot sales in the Nineties. Should I have invested in wrestlers like Roddy, IRS and Mr. Perfect I wonder?
Does anyone collect old wrestling action figures? Have you seen They Live?