The housing module - below left: its legs are painted and the body is ready for finishing touches like sword decals!
I just have to decide if the top clear half needs some space 'furniture' or illuminating.
The rader dish array - right - is finished and the pedestal is painted. Not sure what to use for the boxy base. Might just use a box!
It was always going to be difficult and it has been - the Light Module below. I have painted up an old tin as the base section.
The lamp itself is an old mini table lamp again painted in space cream - bottom pic. K'nex rods and old storage wheels make up the legs.
Old model sprues make up the V's, which were really tricky to stick onto the tin but my trusty super glue came good.
Finally I have painted up an old plastic crane - bottom pic - to use on the top of the 'garage' unit. I've got the crane but no unit yet!
I need to be able to cut a 'door/ramp' into it so I'm leaning towards a plastic paint 'tin', which more or less has the right cylindrical shape. Progress!
However, I foresee my biggest problem already - the LEM. There's just no way I can make one from scratch!