A 1978 article heralding a new Sci-fi series for the BBC, Blake's Seven.
I can still remember watching that first episode, and continued to follow it throughout all it's four seasons.
However it's not a series I've ever bothered to return to, as apart from the
Liberator model, it just holds no appeal for me anymore. Maybe it's the pessimistic aspects of the story, or possibly the lack of what I consider to be likeable characters - Avon tries to come close as the titular anti- hero, starting out as a Mr Spock clone in the early episodes, before finally evolving into a sardonic swash buckling space buccaneer.
I'll forgive the low budget effects, and the costumes that look like they came out of a jumble sale. As we all know the BBC at the time just didn't have the resources to compete with glossy American space operas. Not that it ever stopped them. Remember those other pedestrian BBC dramas set in space,
Star Cops and
Moonbase 3!