It occurred to me, I've not put any Zeroid related stuff up for a while so here's a few pics and a little music video featuring those little rascals from Planet Zero.
The Zeroid Exploration Module (ZEM)
Zemo, the later addition to Ideal's Zeroid range
Zerak, once considered to be the leader of The Zeroids, now just a plain 'ol destroyer.
Watch out for those flying satellites!
The Zeroids that never were, or rather the R2-D2 wannabe's - The Star Team Zeroids
Zintar, the Explorer. Don't tell anyone, but he's my favourite.
Zobor, the Transporter. I like him too.
The Zeroid alien. Now, he's a strange one alright. Always goes to pieces in a crisis.
Comr. Zogg, the leader of The Zeroids. Next year I must do a piece on his Action set.
Finally a little music video I've put together featuring The Zeroids.