I took these photos of a black Dalek on display at the London Museum of Film a while back.
It is described as a Dalek specially created for the AARU film, Dr Who and The Daleks.
In the film, the Black Dalek, in line with the TV series at the time, is leader, and originally had a sucker arm rather than a pincer. It had two gold neck straps, rather than one with slats. The upper rings have a silver one in the middle. In fact most of this Dalek looks nothing like it did in the film.
It's fairly obvious that this prop has gone through a few changes over the years. All the eight main Dalek props had a few adventures after the film was completed, what with touring the country advertising the film, and various other publicity events. I think it's reasonably well known that three of the original props appeared in The Chase TV episode, and had their large fenders removed and their speech lights replaced with smaller ones
This is the Product Enterprise version of the Black Movie Dalek. Fairly accurate apart from the pincer arm.
Some of the movie Dalek props were given away as prizes, although not necessarily, in their original colours.
It fact, I'd imagine that in time most of the props would have suffered various stages of deterioration.
So I think its reasonable to assume that although this Dalek has seen a few changes over the years, I'm sure there must be a part of it that appeared in the film.