Going through some old papers recently I found a wedding name-plate for me at my brother's wedding. He'd written it and inside he'd written 'here's to the next project!'.
My close family always kidded me about my love of 'projects' and I realise now that they have been a feature of my entire life.
More often than not these 'projects', a furious love and study of something, were sparked off by the prevailing kids' crazes at the time and all of them began in the Sixties and Seventies. In other words my projects were my childhood interests and they've never left me.
Now I'm in my mid Fifties I know I'm being driven by the same interests, an enthusiasm for which I've sustained all my adult life.
I don't like dividing up my life into categories but with my 'projects' its easy so, in the name of science and in chronological order, here goes:
1. Space and space toys [leading to ......yep, Moonbase Central!]
2. Dinosaurs and monsters [and a everything about them: books, films, mags, toys, the lot!]
3. Kung Fu [really began the day I saw Enter the Dragon in 1972: lead to a love of Japan in particular]
4. Heavy Rock [the soundtrack of my youth and best music ever invented!]
5. Fantasy books and art [really began the month I read Lord of the Rings in 1977]
6. Nature and animals [really began the year I lived on a Nature Reserve in 1979]
7. Films [cinema, movies, VHS]
I have flirted with some minor projects, which alas, did not last:
1. Leeds United Football Club [the strangest of my childhood fads as I'm not a soccer fan at all really]
2. Army [I loved to play war and battles as a kid but I'm not keen at all on it now. I think it morphed into my Kung Fu phase]
3. Birdwatching [I still do a bit but no longer take notes and have binoculars with me everywhere I go!]
Not sure what it all means but the list above of 1 to 7 is more or less me now! If I were a toy they'd be my makers' mark! Scary really!
Do you think that your real interests were formed during your childhood readers? Is it the same for everyone?