Picture above from http://cerealoffers.com/default.html
Picture above from http://cerealoffers.com/default.html
And as an addendum here's the Star Trek badges Sugar Smacks Advert which was still very colourful.
I seem to remember at the time I had loads of Dr McCoy swaps but no Captain Kirk!
Picture above from http://cerealoffers.com/default.html
Out of interest here's another Kellogg's Star Trek tie- in. Not badges this time but Crater Critters!
Badges were certainly popular give - aways. Not Kellogg's this time but Lyon's Maid, which over the years had done a lot of exclusive give-aways relating to Gerry Anderson's shows.
This badge came with Lyon's Maid exclusive Fireball XL5 Ktmaster give-away.
Finally, for now the Suger Smacks Doctor Who badges.