Although I resisted for a long time I recently became a convert to Facebook. I'm not sure how many readers we have here who subscribe to it but in amongst the pages of dross there are few pleasant surprises.
I'm now a member of Gerry Anderson toys Facebook group , which is full of like minded folk who enjoy waxing lyrical about the stuff we all love. While checking out those pages I came across a post by a chap called Peter Jackson (I don't think it's that Peter Jackson!) who runs the Facebook Project Sword page.
I soon joined that small group, there's only around a dozen members, a couple of whose names I recognized from here. The page was created in August this year so it is still in it's infancy and very much finding its feet.
Now while our own Moonbase Central has no plans to have a Facebook presence , much preferring our blog status ( Although I have seen many members referring to and mentioning Moonbase in Facebook posts) I'm sure Peter would welcome any Project Sword enthusiasts on Facebook who might want to join up, and maybe comment , contribute or simply enjoy a regular peek at the pages.
So come on folks, we're a minority group here, us Swordies have got to stick together!