In this month's SWORDcast on Celtica Radio Bill talks about TREE TOP fruit drink from his SpaceX-filled childhood. To jog my own and maybe your memories, here it is courtesy of twitter. Looks delicious! The gimmicky drink I personally recall, from the UK's Seventies, is Rise and Shine, an atomic orange powdered cordial straight out of some future war's ration store! It was however delicious in a sachet powdery watery sort of way! Do you remember either Tree Tops or Rise and Shine readers?
The other orange drink from the Sixties is actually one of today's marketing miracles. Back when I was nipper the ONLY tome you saw this particularly chemical-looking amber fluid was during bed-ridden recovery from advanced appendicitis or full-on measles. It would mysteriously appear at your bedside draped in a billowing orange cellophane wrap making it look like a bottle of depleted nuclear waste. I am of course talking about Lucozade! Just how the marketing boffs turned it into the must-have everyday energy quencher for today's Xbox-addicted kids I'll never know! They're not even ill!
Speaking of drinks straight out of a Thomas Salter toy chemistry set, did you ever sneak into the first aid cupboard and try, from the bottom shelf, Alka Seltzer, and from the shelf above, Andrews? I'm not even sure I can describe the reaction they had when introduced to water. Fizzing doesn't quite cut it. Effervescent they would say. I'd say downright violent when you're only 6! Man, those bubbles went straight up your nose!
Any discussion about kids and bubbles must inevitably include that age-old question, which has been known to divide nations: which tastes better, Coke or Pepsi?!"*? As a hip kid thirsty from playing with my monsters and Matt Mason it had to be Pepsi for me because a. I loved the glass bottle's shape b. the red and blue logo was very American and c. it tasted better. Nowadays I'm not fussed! Either will do as long as they are a. diet and b. on offer! I have tried other 'colas' like Rola Cola but they never quite do it for me. What about you readers? Pepsi or Coke?
Royal Crown Cola in Holland, Beermat
For Paul V
Jerry Lewis drank Royal Crown Cola!
"packed aseptically" !?*?
The Corona Fizzical!
Buzz Candy Blog