Following on from Woodsy’s post about the Starcruiser
Mission set, here’s the 1978 Airfix clip – together kit from Airfix .
As Yorkie’s comment pointed out it was loosely based on an original design by
model maker, Martin Bower, for an apparent proposed but ultimately ill-fated
live action series created by Gerry Anderson and Fred Freiberger. However, aspects
of the concept did survive as part of a marketing exercise.
The original design obviously took a little inspiration from
spacecraft designs in Space: 1999 and The Day After Tomorrow: Into Infinity. (Martin
Bower’s original model can be seen on his own web site)
However, to accommodate the commercial release of the kit
Martin had to do several redesigns and prototypes. I’d imagine the Airfix toy
differs from the original design so as to accommodate the clip-together aspect
of kit.
Starcruiser, according to the accompanying instructions is a
modular space ship made up of four sections – The Main Unit, the Command Module
at the front, the Command Base slung
under the main unit, and the Interceptor Unit , a one-man gunship attached to
the top of the main unit.
Aimed at the younger modeller, this 1/48 scale kit once all
clipped together can separate into the each of the four sections.
My kit, which at this moment in time is simply clipped
together until I can get round to do a proper assembly and paint job isn’t a
bad looking toy, even if it is just a Gerry Anderson curiosity.
I think the box artwork is very nice, although I’m not sure
what to make of the crudely drawn ‘videoprint’ strip at the bottom.
The back of the assembly instructions also contain a comic
strip, A Starcruiser Typical Mission Sequence, drawn by the artist David
Jeffreris who drew the Starcruiser strip
in Look -In.
And on a final note even though Starcruiser never made it to a TV series the Airfix kit does make a brief appearance during the additional scenes that were shot for the Space:1999 compilation movie,' Alien Attack' as a desktop model.