In the early days of the blog reader Will Schwartz astounded us all with his Character Age magazine from Japan. Will had clearly found the forerunner of the SWORD Moon Ranger. Ever since I have been intrigued by the series of four models [pictured left below], which form the Nichimo Carboat series.
Number 1 is the Frog, an amphibious car reminiscent of T in a Circle's toy. The box art was done by Japanese Showa master, Shigeru Komatzusaki, who did all of the box art for the Carboat series. Pictured are the box art and box contents [no picture of a completed model available to me].
Number 2 is the Baron, another amphibious car. Pictures of the box contents and completed model would be welcomed!
Number 3 is the Frontier, a fabulous looking space tank. Box contents, instruction sheet [of Nichimo Tank] and partially made model courtesy of Arto [thanks!].
Number 4 is the Pioneer, the forerunner of the Century 21 Project SWORD Moon Ranger pictured bottom. Here we can see the familiar radar, tracks and front-slung dome cockpit and pilot. Only the front shovel is missing, which Nichimo added to their similar Space Ranger model, the Moon Ranger's origin.
Observations, pictures, videos, stories, remarks or otherwise about any of the four Carboats would be welcomed. [Pictures courtesy of Arto, Noppin and Vectis.]
Reader Eric has kindly sent me a piccy of the Nichimo Frontier instructions, which where inside his box.