We're experiencing illness in the family at Moonbase at the mo so I'm staying with my daughter for the weekend. In need of non-taxing diversion we hit the charity shops of Shipley near Bradford, of which their are, fortunately for us, many.
Amongst the excellent selection of old and obscure VHS videos nestling on the shelves at 10p each, I also spotted what could be an interesting sub-genre of space collecting, space-themed LP records. In the space of two charity shops I saw two different ones: one I can't remember but it was children flying to the moon from the 1960's and the other was this Holst The Planets with a cool Apollo capsule cover.
Browsing cyberspace to check what other Holst covers there are I saw what has to be one of the kookiest! Check it out below, Flash Gordon meets Barbarella! I recognise the toy ray guns but can't put a name to them. Anyone?
So does anyone actually collect space themed records?