While we were at the Dinky Fair the other week, Woodsy pointed out to me this large plastic Diesel model, and insisted it was like one that was used in Gerry Anderson's Secret Service.
Well, of course, he was absolutely spot on. The episode was' Last Train To Bufflers Halt' and the model used was the Blue Flyer Locomotive from The Big Big Passenger Train set by Triang.
Needless to say I bought it, along with some track and a couple of carriages. Not being a train buff I thought I'd better gen up on my new found treasure.
These are some pictures from Bill, who, not surprisingly was also fully aware of the Big Big Train toy.
Anyway, for anyone else like me who was unaware of this toy here's a brief history.
The Big Big Train is an O gauge system produced by Tri-ang in 1966. These continued to be made until 1972. The larger, but less detailed scale and robust plastic design meant it was ideal for younger children and anyone wanting to fix and run their model railway outdoors.
When production ceased, the tools were bought by Novo toys, who restarted manufacture in the USSR from 1975 to 1980.
My example is that type.
This battery powered toy also boasted a unique switch system which, when using a device attached to the track could flip the engine into reverse.
Anyway, once I got mine working, I figured the best way to showcase my Big Big Train was to film it in action.
Hope you like it.