Scoop's beautiful article about the Secret Service Ford T Gabriel got me feeling curious as to where the original car ended up. My first mistake was thinking that it was a real car as such. "Wag Evans manufactured a full-size and two miniature versions (the last of differing scales) of Gabriel, fitting the larger car with belt-driven electric motors, a folding roof, upholstered interior, and a remote control mechanism" [Wikipedia].
So where are these models? Well despite a good old search around the net I couldn't find the whereabouts of the miniatures but I did come across this photograph of the large-scale vehicle from 1999. It appears to be on display for Busseys, who are an East Anglian car leasing firm. Whether its still there I can't say. Anyone know any more?
An interesting aside I came across whilst looking for Gabriel was this page of
Secret Service locations on the Avengerland website. They don't mean a lot to me but I can appreciate the effort it will have taken to track down original locations. May be of interest to readers.