Although the colour is right I did what most people did at the time and crossed an Eagle Transporter pod with an Eagle Freighter body.
The first Transporters were green with yellow navigation rockets, red engine bottles and chrome take off thrusters and engine bells. The white pod came with self applied water slide red decals to create a medical Eagle.
The first Freighters were white with red navigation rockets, red engines and take off thrusters and chrome engine bells. The winch pod was red.
The second versions remained green and white respectively but all had red navigation rockets, silver engines and red take off thrusters and engine bells.
The Freighter had a final makeover in that the main body was painted blue and the winch pod came out white.
The Dinky Eagles’ were released in 1975 and ceased production in 1979. They were excellent die cast reproductions, and a fitting end to the Dinky company’s long association with Gerry Anderson’s televised series.