I'll do some proper posts about it when I come down to Earth but right now I have to give a massive thumbs up to Chris King, the organiser, as well as the friendly and helpful staff at the R.A.F. Museum, and all the contributors and unsung heroes who helped put this thing together.
These pics are just some appetisers to give those of you who couldn't make it a taste of things.
There were original puppets as well as fantastic replica's.
Some Thunderbird and Joe 90 merchandise on display.
Thunderbird voice artists, Matt Zimmerman, Shane Rimmer and David Graham, as well as a last minute guest, special effects wizard Brian Johnson were all interviewed and kept in line by expert- in- all- things- Anderson, Chris Bentley.
The event was originally planned for just the Saturday, but it seems the visitor numbers far exceeded expectations and so things continued on the Sunday with an interview with Brian Johnson.
The backdrop of the museum's stunning display of cold war jets and missiles just added to the atmosphere.
The success of Flights of Fantasy bodes well for the possibility of another event next year, so everybody keep your fingers crossed!