More frogmen and their accessories. These fabulous 007 harpoon toys, part of the 007 frogmen - spy craze that ran in tandem with the space craze in the 60's, belong to supercollector Ferryman. He explained to me in 2011 that both toys were based on existing ray gun tooling with barrel and butt attachments.
The Lone Star one (top 3 pics) was well known for having made various appearances as Dalek and Star Trek guns over the years. The smaller gun (with black body) is less frequently seen but its original form appears to be heavily by the Lone Star Dan Dare gun. The smaller gun has no makers name on it and simply says made in Hong Kong. The bottom picture is a comparison of both. Awesome! Thanks for sharing once again Ferryman.
The Lone Star one (top 3 pics) was well known for having made various appearances as Dalek and Star Trek guns over the years. The smaller gun (with black body) is less frequently seen but its original form appears to be heavily by the Lone Star Dan Dare gun. The smaller gun has no makers name on it and simply says made in Hong Kong. The bottom picture is a comparison of both. Awesome! Thanks for sharing once again Ferryman.