Andy B sent me this shot of the rather inappropriately named robot by Marx. Not a big seller in the UK, can't think why! Robot toys have always been a big staple since the late fifties, the tin toy market being dominated by legions of metal warriors marching across xmas carpets.
Star Wars really brought the robot genre to the next level, even expanding the descriptive vocabulary to include a new word 'droid'. From the early 3 inch figures of C3PO and R2D2, simple chunks of plastic, the robot toy lines expanded exponentially including Transformers, Terminator toys, Robosapien and all manner of action figures.
So what would be your favourite robot toy ? Apart from the obvious Robbie the Robot toys, one of my favourite toy robot designs would be the IG series figures from Star Wars Clone Wars. The tall skeletal 'phlutdroid' IG-88 first appeared in Empire Strikes Back as a three inch figure and thenlater as a rare 14" figure. Both had severely limited articulation, but the thin, gaunt body and thin head made the droid seem menacing and implacably robotic. The Clone Wars franchise introduced earlier iterations of the droid with the IG Lancer and Assassin Droids, all of which made it to action figure status, with much improved joints and articulation.
So what would be your robot toy of choice ? Tin, plastic, remote control, static, action figure, gum ball machine charm ?