Friday, 27 April 2012

Corgi Rockets Sky Park

You know those eureka moments? The sort where you remember something that you'd long forgotten. I had one last night watching one of BBC2's programmes celebrating the 1970's. Britt Ekland was presenting. the eureka moment came when some footage of kids playing with Corgi Rockets was shown. And there it was, the Rockets Sky Park! Wow! I'd completely forgotten about it despite spending hours parking up my Carabo and Mercedes and the rest of the rockets. It must have been battery operated? Worthy of inclusion in the worlds of Century 21, what a fantastic and futuristic toy it was! Coincidentally my nephew's young son has got some new rockets-style track in his bedroom. It's clamped to a chair just like I used to do. There's even two loop the loops! I'm glad playing with cars on tracks is still around. Did you have any Corgi Rockets or Superfast track for your favourites? Which were the fastest - Hot Wheels?
pic: ebay

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Assemble We Will

On the eve of the opening of Avengers Assemble at UK Cinemas, I thought it appropriate to ask who your favourite Super Hero/ Super Villian is? Could be from comics but equally could be someone you knew, know or know about!

To kick off, my favourite Super Hero, from comics, is [The] Wolverine. He's everything I'm not: tough, uninhibited and, oh yes, he heals instantly and he's got big massive steel claws! One thing we do have in common is a profusion of body hair and large side-burns, so there's hope for me yet!

My favourite Super Hero collectables are the Secret Wars 1984 range of action figures, by Mattel, which I collected for a while during the 1990's. They were beautifully shaped, had great backing cards and came with an amazing fleet of accessories and vehicles like the Doom Roller[below], which they were selling off in Toys R Us in the late 1990's.

Titan gives up her secrets

The first few days on Titan had been quite difficult for the Heimdall team. The initial impressions of beauty and strange alien landscapes had been replaced with feelings of stress and to a certain degree, depression. Nascha and Tori especially found the dark cloudy days quite eerie and during the frequent excursions around the little island, more than a little treacherous. Titans atmosphere was rich in hydrocarbons and the sea around the island was largely composed of ethane and liquid methane. The slick colourless fluid behaved differently to water, being slightly thinner and the reduced gravity made it especially tricky underfoot on the loose shale beaches. Every now and then an especially dark cloud would skid by, unleashing a downpour of waxy flakes or sleeting rain. The rain was a particular problem as it penetrated deep into the shuttles engine systems and was a major hazard during lift off. However it wasn't all doom and gloom as Titans ecosystem was incredibly complex and threw up new discoveries daily. By the middle of the second day, Inga Skarvald was ready to explore the seas around the island and had gone over the ROV several times with Tom. The ROV was a small remotely piloted submarine vehicle, that would be used to explore the seas of Kraken Mare more closely, able to reach into the crevasses and caves beneath the shining waves. Now Tom was at the edge of the icy beach and had placed the ROV in the shallows as he made a final test of the systems. Back on the mobile laboratory, Inga sat at the sensor bay controls, manipulating the on board cameras. "ready?" called Tom over the com. "let her go, in three." replied Inga. "1, 2,3 go!" and the little craft edged off the ledge with a spurt of jets, disappearing into the dark sea. Tom trudged back to the Molab and was soon seated next to Inga at the controls. "she's performing well so far - take over." Inga moved across to the second seat and allowed Tom to take the remote controls for manoeuvring the ROV, while she switched on the onboard floods and sensor array. The screen lit up with an eerie yellowish green light, particles drifted past the camera in the 'head' of the ROV and the lidar and sonar on board, pinged back its position. For several hours, Tom piloted the ROV at Ingas' direction, following a shallow slope, deeper into the mare. For the most part, the view was unremarkable, particulate matter and floes of ice drifted by, but little else. As the ROV got deeper, the sonar note changed and indicated a large impact crater, deep below the sea, directly ahead. "this could be interesting.." mused Inga and directed Tom to follow the lip of the crater down into the basin. The colour of the ice and rock had begun to change, the dirty ice that they had seen earlier, was now streaked with colour, bright yellows and reds and metallic coppers. As the ROV neared the bottom, Inga suddenly told Tom to wait. "there - just at the edge of the light, go left a few degrees.." she breathed. Tom gently turned the ROV and Inga panned the camera around. A solid object bobbed in the current from the ROVs jetwash, larger than the drifting ice crystals and much different in colour. "look at that..." she cried and pulled in the focus to reveal the object on the screen. Floating in the dark fluid ahead was a strange, hexagon shaped lozenge of translucent material, darker than the surrounding ice, greenish gold in colour with a network of fine tendrils extending from its outer edges.

As the ROV moved closer, a central dark spot or nucleus could be seen and the veined, corrugated body of the lozenge showed that it was indeed organic. "looks like we found the natives!" said Tom, smiling broadly. "see if you can bring it in" said Inga, barely able to control her excitement. A sample arm extended from the ROV, with a transparent vessel on the end, designed to collect material from the sea. The edge of the container came close to the object, but as it neared one of the outstretched tendrils, there was a sharp 'click' over the intercom and a brief flurry on screen. The object had disappeared and the lights on the ROV abruptly faded. "what? ive lost power to the ROV!" exclaimed Tom as he frantically flipped switches and wrestled with the waldo controls for the vehicle. Then, as quickly as they had gone, the lights and power came back to the ROV and the picture onscreen, bobbed as the motors cut in and it righted itself. "wow..." breathed Inga. "its got an electrical defense mechanism!" Panning around again with the camera showed empty expanses of coloured ice. The Titanese creature had disappeared as mysteriously as it had come. Inga slumped in her chair with a mixture of disbelief and wonder. Mans first encounter with extraterrestial life had been brief, but very memorable!

Serial Chillers

For me the X-Files' debut series was the biggest single TV event in years. Probably not since my childhood and teenage had I been so excited. It did not disappoint either: monsters, werewolves, bile-gobbling creatures and best of all, gargoyles!

Alas, as with all iconic shows the format's X-factor wore off and inevitabley faded. I waited patiently for the next big thing in Sci Fi series, but it didn't happen, for me at least. I tried, amongst others, Dark Skies, Roswell, Lexx, Red Dwarf, Star Trek TNG, Deep Space Nine, Torchwood, Primeval and a recent US series about aliens infecting the water [?].

The last really exciting series was Season One of the new Dr. Who, starring Christopher Ecclestone and later, David Tennant. However it was the inclusion of Britbabe Billie Piper, which added that little extra something. The best episode by far was where they found Satan trapped in a huge crevasse in a cave. Wonderful.

I did get into in a short-lived US series called Surface about a huge oceanic monster but just as I was hooked it went off the air.

Of late Grimm has piqued my interest, although I can only watch it at my Daughters, as I don't have Sky. Grimm is about the last of the Brothers Grimm, who every week in the guise of a modern US detective, is pitted against monsters and creatures from Fairy Tales. The last one I saw the Ogre!

What do you think about Sci Fi on TV?

Tuesday, 24 April 2012


Should Species be classed as part of the ALIEN film canon? HR Giger did design the Sil creature, which is distinctly xenomorphic like our acid-blooded friend. Logically if Species were to be considered part of the canon does it follow that Species' three sequels, II, II and Awakening must also be?

The same question must be asked about Predator, but in reverse. A sort of prequel, Alien Vs. Predator or AVP [2004] brought the two creatures head to head, but we first saw a crossover in Predator 2, where, according to Wiki, we see an ALIEN skull on the Predator spaceship [anyone got a still of that?]. AVP spawned a sequel, AVP Requiem. The Predator franchise also includes Predator, Predator 2 and Predators.

The ALIEN movie canon proper is simple: Alien, Aliens, Alien 3 and Alien Resurrection. Obviously this will soon be added to by the eagerly awaited prequel PROMETHEUS, the film event of the year.

What do you think of the ALIEN movie mythos. Are Species and Predator in? Did any of the toy lines cross over?

Monday, 23 April 2012

The Silver Toolbox Mystery

 During the recent Apollo Moon Exploring extravaganza we've been enjoying, a few mysteries were flagged up (excuse the pun there..). Most notable was the 'silver toolbox' item that often appeared in the large boxed collection and sometimes on the carded sets. As this fragile little piece invariably turns up damaged, it wasn't immediately obvious as to what it was. When I got my LP window boxed set back in the day, around 1971, I was immediately familiar with it, from photos of the lunar excursions and from somewhere much nearer home. The Airfix kit of the Lunar module, released in 1970 includes a small piece of equipment (shown here on the lower right of the instruction sheet) with folded out solar panels. It doesn't have the tv aerial though, presumably this was intended to power the small portable TV that came with the LP set !
 Paul Vreede is lucky enough to own a more complete version of the 'silver toolbox' and sent me some shots of it along with a photo of the 'Passive Seismic Experiment Package carried by Apollo 11' (photo courtesy NASA) upon which it is clearly based.

 A second puzzler was the inclusion of a small dome in most sets, mine had a yellow one, but Paul V received three white ones in his boxed set, two of which were larger and as he suggests, may form a kind of wheel for another contraption, yet to be revealed.
The domes also found use on the small red/green bubble car, with some slight re-tooling. By far the most tantalising item to appear in a 'moon exploring' set was the Space Station, which I got in the window boxed set along with the silver LEM, Apollo, Mercury Capsule and usual assortment of rocks. Unfortunately, the remains of this are now somewhere on the continental U.S, but the original photograph which formed the first point of contact between me, Mr Woods and Mr Vreede, from over ten years ago, still exists. The photo shows the remains of my moon exploring collection, supplemented by a few repros and cake decorations, such as the blue LEM and white apollo. The LP moon tractors are ranged at the right hand side. The station itself sits at the rear right of the pic, having lost its flimsy legs and had Spacex Moonbase legs superglued on. The two white disks are the same as the central console disk on the small bubble car, even down to the raised section with the three dials. Clearly designed to reflect the Matt Mason Space Station, i've never seen this piece ever, since then. Still looking though..

Pink and Yellow and Green ... and the other ones

Nothing to do with SWORD or SpaceX, and arguably antithetical to them in some ways ... but as Google has reminded me, today is the 30th anniversary of Clive Sinclair's ZX Spectrum computer.

What more needs to be said!

You Have Been Erased

Spotted these two different bags of Thunderbirds pencil erasers online. There's something very satisfying about these bags. Whilst looking for more I found some Yamato rubbers on this fabulous fan site:

Anyone have any other erasers?

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