In my ongoing quest to find the maker of Wotan's ubercool miniature Japanese SWORD toys featured many times on this blog, I have recently entered a genre of Japanese toys wholly new to me, the world of GLICO candy premiums. My first encounter was with this diminutive MSV pictured below, which I stumbled across on the Japanese auction site, Noppin. A lovely little thing, it appears to have a simple plastic body, presumably hollow, with two pairs of plastic wheels, which I assume are axled. Even though Wotan's SWORD toy fleet doesn't contain any wheeled vehicles like the Moon Prospector or Moon Ranger to compare this wheeled MSV with, is it possible that the SWORD toys were Glico candy premiums? We know that that other Japanese Candy maker, Morinaga, issued a small Zero X [blogged previously] so is it plausible that Glico gave SWORD the same treatment?
I was further heartened by my next online Glico discovery, this wheeled Radio Car from Thunderbirds along with a Geoff Tracy plastic standee. What a wonderful little toy!
Alas, despite extensive uberbrowsing, I wasn't able to find any more Anderson-related Glico toys and my quest to identify Wote's SWORD miniatures goes on. I did however find many more fabulous Glico premiums online, many of which are space-related. Have a gander at the gallery below, gleaned from Japanese auctions sites mostly. Some contain the packaging as well, which include both gum and candy boxes and a final shot of an example of the similar LOTTE premium range. Any further pictures of Glico/Lotte/Morinaga or similar Candy toys, particularly from Gerry Anderson shows, would be welcomed for posting on this blog.