Right to start the space creature trump rolling, heres the Mighty Wotan - Loved by women, feared by men, striding across the martian caldera in search of new additions to his vast collection of space treasures, possesed of mighty baccanalian appetites, he appears in many guises and forms, each more awesome than the last. No shall stand in his way as he marches sullen eyed, ipod in hand, an artist, a mystic, a reaver, and ebayer, with gigantic melancholies and gigantic mirth to tread the jewelled thrones of Earth beneath his disc shaped feet! Look upon his works ye mighty and despair!
Aaahhh - Andy B has challenged the Mighty Wotan!
The Lost in Space Robot.
Features include
*ability to say "warning, danger!"
*can be reprogrammed to destroy own space ship
*electrical discharge from claws (not always effective against aliens)
*increasingly corny dialogue in later episodes
* available as a clockwork toy...