As it was Half Term last week I had a bit of a TV and Film Fest at Moonbase. It kicked off with a modern Viking flick called Valhalla Rising starring a mute one-eyed Mads Mikkelson [Le Chiffe in recent 007 movies]. A strange film. Very atmospheric and gorgeous scenery, which, along with last week's brilliant Outlander, has inspired me to rent more Viking fare with one Berserker next on the list. Similarly Scandinavian but not Viking is Trollhunter, which can be viewed pay per view on You Tube no less. I shall save that one for when I'm back at work next week and, like most people, in need of total mental relaxation at night!
The second genre I've dabbled into this week has been a slew of old space TV shows. This particular voyage of discovery commenced when a friend sent me two episodes of Star Maidens on VHS. More strange fare with a very distinct premise. Rather than spoil it for you I recommend that you sample it on You Tube for yourself! Of equal interest was Salvage 1 recommended by Toad, which concerns a lunar salvage crew replete with spaceships and vehicles worthy of SWORD and well worth a tracking down! Next on the list will be the Martian Chronicles!
What would you recommend, either Viking or Space?