In the Summer of 2010, with the help of the ever-resourceful Toad, I managed to post each weekly SWORD comic strip as it had appeared in the summer of 1967. It was great fun to do so I've often thought of repeating the exercise with the TV21 SWORD strips. Largely because I do not have access to many TV21 comics, this has sadly remained on the back-burner in a remote and abandoned Moon Base shed!
Despite this huge technical problem I thought it would be fun nevertheless to at least post the covers of the relevant TV21's, which contained SWORD strips. Alas, I have only just remembered I wanted to do this so in a light-hearted attempt to start the SWORD rolling I'll begin today!
On the 23rd November 1968 Christmas was just round the corner, I was nearly 8 years old with a head stuffed with space and dinosaurs and a new edition TV21/ TV Tornado was in the UK's shops. It was issue 201 and featured Captain Scarlet's SPACESHIP MYSTERY on the cover [pictured above courtesy of Amazon]. The SWORD strip was a text story called ALIBI with a single black and white drawing of Probe Force 3 by Ron Embleton [refer to the excellent
GACCH website for more]. The Embleton PF3 drawing is the same one that appeared a year later in the 1969 TV21 Annual, which I do have in the Moon Base bookcase and appears in full below.