I'm bunged up and acheing with an inevitable late Summer cold encircled by crumpled tissues, paracetomol and nasal spray on the settee. Oh how the mighty fall, brought down by the smallest things on the planet! When faced with lethargy of this high calibre there's nothing for it but to spend hours browsing Ebay. Here's a few, most likely, mirages seen through my menthol fug.
1. Gumball carded set - interesting mix of Thunderbirds, Playmobil and spacecraft. Is that the 2001 Orion Space Clipper in yellow?
2. Pencil toppers - these guys just reminded me of SWORD!
3. Cake toppers - in the style of Apollo Moon Exploring. I'm amazed how many of these loose sets appear!
4. Moon Ranger Saucer - numbered 355A, which makes it most likely T in a Circle rather than the Cragstan version [but don't quote me as I don't own either!] [The 'A' in the 355A number is fascinating suggesting a variation - anyine got one?]
5. Robot Trapeze - you'll recognise this cutie as he's WOTAN's mate in Apollo Moon Exploring and Moon Platoon sets.
6. Adventure Boy - by Remco 1970. Was he their response to Eldon's Billy Blastoff? I love the rather creepy tag-line 'He's almost Alive!'. Sounds like me! Where are my tissues!