Star Brothers
Major General Leonov
Continuing a long-running interest in the Soviet space programme on this blog, reader Andy B has sent me these great paintings from a Russian art book called "The Soviet Character", which for me, do capture the enthusiasm we once all felt for the Space Race.
My gut feeling about interest in Space travel amongst the general public of the UK is that it has waned and continues to wane. I suppose this is to be expected since NASA's space programme has dwindled and seldoms features in the British media. There are also very few space toys in the shops. This is despite a number of excellent TV series on the cosmos such as Professor Brian Cox's. I suspect that it will take something jaw-droppingly dramatic to rekindle public zeal for space flight over and above any brave efforts that commercial outfits like SpaceX and Virgin Galactic and new space nations like China and India may be making.
What do you think? Is it the same in Europe, US and Canada?